Michael Charland

Swift Developer


What is Gerkin?

Published Aug 20, 2017

For BDD Gherkin is a set of grammar rules used when you are writing a feature file while doing Behavior Driven Development. And it is meant to be wrote at a high level that non-programmers and non-testers could easily understand.

The grammar rules are used in a layout that uses keywords to be interpreted by Cucumber:

The most frequently used keywords are:

  • Feature: A high level overview of what the following scenarios will do
  • Scenario: Analogous to the title of a test case
  • Given: The requirements or setup part of the test
  • When: An action occurs
  • Then: You are expecting the following to happen
  • And: Can be used with Given, When, and Then to add additional requirements to each step

Other keywords are:

  • Background: Give more context for the story
  • But: Make sure something does not happen
  • Scenario Outline: When you want to run the scenario multiple with different input values
  • Ask: When you want to do semi-automation and involve the tester mid way through
  • Given, When, Then, and And, all boil down to the same thing. The keywords are only in the document to make it more readable.

Example, when testing a simple calculator application

  • Given: The application has started
  • When: I press the 3 button
  • And: I press the + button
  • And: I press the 2 button
  • And: I press the = button
  • Then: I will be see 5 in the output


This was a quick article explaining that Gherkin is a simple set of grammar rules used with Cucumber.